8 / 10 / 20 x 60'
2019 -2022
Five Mile Films
Series 1 - Shooting PD + edits (ep 2 & 7)
Series 2 - Edit Producer (ep 1 & 2)
Series 3 - Edit Producer (ep 5, 8 & 9)
Hybrid fixed rig & self shot series exploring human & dog stories at Wood Green rehoming charity. Managing & shooting long term & difficult dogs stories whilst support shooting for the rig. As one of the original core team I helped set formatted series styles with the Series Director, established production processes, cast staff & contributed to setting a stong access foundation with the organisation.
With each series I have taken on increased Edit Producing duties such as pretitles and being the lead story cutting suite for S2 & 3.
Grierson nominated in 2020 & 2021
Series Producer Director: Anna Llewellyn / Katie Brimblecombe
Exec Producers: Nick Mirsky